The aim of the present study was to present the model of sports media management with the approach of developing sports diplomacy. The research method was qualitative, based on grounded theory and with systematic analysis approach. The statistical population included managers of sports organizations, members of sports media, and university professors in sports sciences, and sampling was done snowball technique. A semi-structured interview was used to collect information, and theoretical saturation was achieved by conducting 17 interviews. The validity of the interview questions was confirmed step by step by the experts and the reliability of the questions done through the test-retest reliability turned out to be 94%. By analyzing the data by MAXQDA software, 465 primary codes, 51 sub-categories and 13 main categories were obtained, and the research model was designed through three stages of open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. Based on the paradigmatic model of Strauss and Corbin, the categories were placed in the axes of causal, contextual, intervening factors, strategies, and consequences. The results showed that the strategic view and interactionism leads to economic and cultural growth, international reputation, and finally globalization and achieving soft power. Therefore, officials should try to manage sports media by creating a structured and targeted program. |
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