The present research was done to conceptualize the open pedagogy in the thought of Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida and its progression in the distance education system. In terms of the type of research, the present research is theoretical, the statistical population includes all sources and documents related to open pedagogy, the educational perspective of Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida, and distance education, which contains all electronic and written books, articles, magazines, sites and reliable databases, theses, and doctoral theses. The statistical sample is all available sources and documents related to the subject. The method of data collection is the library and the researchers studied and analyzed all electronic and written books, articles, magazines, sites, and reliable databases, theses, and doctoral theses to the extent of sufficiency. To answer the research question, the collected information was classified, analyzed, and interpreted. Education experts’ opinions have been used to determine validity and reliability. Nine key categories were extracted from the collected information: 1. Aim, 2. Teacher, 3. Student, 4. Teaching method, 5. Content and topic, 6. Planning, 7. School, 8. Evaluation, and 9. Resources. The results of the research reveal that the concept of open pedagogy existed in most of the main subcategories, except for the two categories of planning and resources. Open pedagogy is the most suitable pedagogy for distance education. |
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